Switchel (Haymakers Punch): Nature’s Healthy Gatorade

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This Summer has been especially hot and humid with high dew points, which causes us to sweat more while working outside or exercising. Taking more frequent breaks, providing yourself more shelter from the sun with broad-brimmed hats or shade is important, while also avoiding peak sun and temperatures from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Another practice to beat the heat and the affects of summer weather stress on ourselves is to give our bodies better nutrition and proper hydration. Switchel is one drink you can make at home that has a long healthy history.

Over 200 years ago, Switchel was created by thirsty farmers. Today, it’s loved for its natural, beneficial ingredients.

Switchel, also called Haymakers Punch, is a refreshing drink that originated in the Caribbean. It is a tasty, slightly effervescent beverage made of water mixed with vinegar, sweetened with molasses, and sometimes lightly flavored with ginger. Honey, brown sugar, or maple syrup are also used in various locally adapted versions.

Switchel made its way from the islands to the American colonies becoming a popular summertime drink by the late 1600’s. Gradually over the next 200 years, “switchy” became the traditional drink of choice to serve to thirsty farmers harvesting hay, hence other popular names like Haymakers Punch.

Vermont has a variation called Haymakers Oat Water that uses oats and molasses. While I’ve never been fond of that particular adaptation

Switchel uses (raw) vinegar instead of juice and requires no starter making it super simple for first time home brewers.

You most likely have all the ingredients you need to whip up a batch of switchel right now in your pantry!

You won’t believe how thirst quenching and healthy switchel is! No wonder it was the preferred beverage for centuries of those working hard in the summertime heat on a farm.

Be sure that the apple cider vinegar you use to make switchel is raw and packaged in glass bottles. ACV is like kombucha – it is acidic and has the potential to leech toxins from a plastic container.

Some of these statements could be considered a bit exaggerated, but folk-lore and marketing tactics aside, a quick run-down of the ingredient list churns up some intriguing evidence-based benefits:

Apple Cider Vinegar: fermented food with healthy protein enzymes; digestive aide; shown to increase satiety; helps increase muscle endurance and recovery.

Ginger: anti-inflammatory properties; broad spectrum anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral; blood sugar regulator; powerful antioxidant capacity; gastrointestinal soother.

Raw Honey: full of antioxidants; known anti-bacterial benefits; high in minerals and beneficial phytonutrients; provides key enzymes for immunity and digestion.

Blackstrap Molasses:  Provides iron for energy. Eases joint pain caused by arthritis. Provides calcium for healthy bones and teeth and treats constipation.

Maple Syrup:  Provides potassium-rich electrolytes, particularly potassium, are replenished when working out hard, making it an excellent alternative to sugary drinks like Gatorade

Switchel BeverageTraditional Switchel Recipe

Makes about 1/2 gallon

  • 2 quarts filtered water
  • 1/2 cup raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 cup raw honey or maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon of molasses
  • 2 tsp ginger powder or 2.5 Tbl fresh grated ginger:

Place all ingredients together in a large bowl and mix very well. You can add ice and drink the switchel immediately at this point if you like.

Source:  Sarah “The Healthy Home Economists” and the Jackson and Swain County Extension Director Robert J. Hawk. For more information, recipes and healthy nutrition/lifestyle please contact Robert at 828-586-4009 or 488-3848 or email “robert_hawk@ncsu.edu